
Welcome to the enchanting world of “Camel Mirage,” where we will explore the art of mocking and testing with Apache Camel. In this blog post, we will embark on a captivating journey to discover how to create mirages of external dependencies and simulate real-world scenarios for comprehensive testing of Camel applications.

Testing is a critical aspect of software development that ensures the reliability and robustness of your Camel integrations. However, testing can become challenging when your Camel routes depend on external systems, databases, or APIs that may not be readily available during development or testing.

Camel Mirage comes to the rescue with its powerful mocking capabilities, allowing you to create illusionary responses from non-existent systems and test your routes without depending on actual external services. With Camel Mirage, you can generate synthetic data, emulate HTTP responses, mimic database interactions, and much more.

In this post, we will explore ten code examples that demonstrate how to use Camel Mirage to mock and test your Camel routes effectively. We will cover scenarios such as:

  1. Simulating HTTP Services with Camel Mirage
  2. Mocking Database Interactions
  3. Creating Synthetic Data with Mirage Faker
  4. Simulating JMS and AMQP Queues
  5. Mocking RESTful APIs with Mirage Wiremock
  6. Emulating WebSocket Communication
  7. Simulating FTP and SFTP Servers
  8. Mocking SOAP Web Services
  9. Creating Mirage Delayed Responses
  10. Unit Testing with Camel Mirage

Join us on this mesmerizing expedition as we unravel the secrets of Apache Camel Mirage and master the art of mocking and testing your Camel applications like never before.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Camel Mirage and Its Benefits
  2. Simulating HTTP Services with Camel Mirage
  3. Mocking Database Interactions
  4. Creating Synthetic Data with Mirage Faker
  5. Simulating JMS and AMQP Queues
  6. Mocking RESTful APIs with Mirage Wiremock
  7. Emulating WebSocket Communication
  8. Simulating FTP and SFTP Servers
  9. Mocking SOAP Web Services
  10. Creating Mirage Delayed Responses
  11. Unit Testing with Camel Mirage
  12. Conclusion

1. Understanding Camel Mirage and Its Benefits

Camel Mirage is a powerful testing framework provided by Apache Camel that enables you to create mock endpoints for external dependencies and simulate various scenarios during testing. It allows you to create illusions of external systems, services, and protocols, eliminating the need to have the actual dependencies available during testing.

The key benefits of using Camel Mirage in your testing strategy are:

  1. Isolation: Mocking external dependencies ensures that your tests are isolated from the actual services. It prevents unintentional side effects during testing and makes test results more predictable and consistent.
  2. Fast and Efficient Testing: By creating mirages of external services, you eliminate the need to wait for these services to be available or perform real network calls, making your tests faster and more efficient.
  3. Test Scenarios: With Camel Mirage, you can create various test scenarios that simulate different responses and conditions, allowing you to thoroughly test your routes under different circumstances.
  4. Edge Cases: Mirage enables you to test edge cases and exceptional scenarios that might be challenging to reproduce with actual external dependencies.

2. Simulating HTTP Services with Camel Mirage

Simulating HTTP services is a common use case in Camel applications that interact with RESTful APIs or other HTTP-based services. Camel Mirage provides the MockEndpoint class to create mirages of HTTP endpoints and define the desired responses.

Code Example: 1

// Camel Route

// Mirage HTTP Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage")
    .thenReturn(200, "Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a simple Camel route that sends a request to the HTTP endpoint “” To simulate this HTTP service during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected body to be received from the HTTP endpoint. We also specify that the response should have a status code of 200 and a body of “Hello from Mirage.”

3. Mocking Database Interactions

Mocking database interactions is essential for testing Camel routes that interact with databases without actually performing database operations during testing.

Code Example: 2

// Camel Route
    .to("sql:SELECT * FROM orders WHERE status = 'NEW'");

// Mirage SQL Mock
context.getMockEndpoint("sql:SELECT * FROM orders WHERE status = 'NEW'")
    .andResultSetBody("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE status = 'NEW'")
        .column("id", 101)
        .column("order_date", "2023-07-01")
        .column("status", "NEW")
        .column("amount", 50.0);

In this example, we have a Camel route that performs a SQL query to select orders with the status “NEW.” To mock this database interaction during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected result set that the SQL query should return.

4. Creating Synthetic Data with Mirage Faker

Mirage Faker is an extension of Camel Mirage that allows you to generate synthetic data for testing purposes. It provides a wide range of data types and functions to create realistic-looking data.

Code Example: 3

// Camel Route
    .setBody(constant("Hello, ${}"))

// Mirage Faker Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello, John");

In this example, we have a Camel route that sets the body of the message to “Hello, ${},” where ${} is a Mirage Faker expression that generates a random first name. During testing, Mirage Faker will generate a synthetic first name, and we expect the body of the message to be “Hello, John.”

5. Simulating JMS and AMQP Queues

Simulating JMS and AMQP queues is valuable when testing Camel routes that interact with message brokers like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ.

Code Example: 4

// Camel Route

// Mirage JMS Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a Camel route that sends a message to the JMS queue “myQueue.” To mock this JMS interaction during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected body of the message that should be received by the JMS queue.

6. Mocking RESTful APIs with Mirage Wiremock

Mirage Wiremock is another extension of Camel Mirage that allows you to mock RESTful APIs using the popular WireMock library.

*Code Example: 5


// Camel Route

// Mirage Wiremock Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage")
        .body("Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a Camel route that sends a request to the HTTP endpoint “” To mock this RESTful API during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Mirage Wiremock and define the expected body to be received from the HTTP endpoint. We also specify that the response should have a status code of 200 and a body of “Hello from Mirage.”

7. Emulating WebSocket Communication

Emulating WebSocket communication is useful when testing Camel routes that interact with WebSocket endpoints.

Code Example: 6

// Camel Route
    .transform().constant("Hello from Mirage")

// Mirage WebSocket Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a Camel route that consumes messages from a WebSocket endpoint “ws://localhost:8080/myWebSocket” and transforms the message body to “Hello from Mirage.” To mock this WebSocket interaction during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected body of the message that should be received from the WebSocket endpoint.

8. Simulating FTP and SFTP Servers

Simulating FTP and SFTP servers is essential when testing Camel routes that interact with file transfers over these protocols.

Code Example: 7

// Camel Route

// Mirage SFTP Mock
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a Camel route that consumes files from the SFTP server “sourceServer/files” and transfers them to the “targetDir.” To mock this SFTP interaction during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected body of the message that should be received from the SFTP server.

9. Mocking SOAP Web Services

Mocking SOAP web services is valuable when testing Camel routes that interact with SOAP-based web services.

Code Example: 8

Java<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="// Camel Route from("direct:start") .to("cxf:bean:myWebService"); // Mirage CXF Mock context.getMockEndpoint("cxf:bean:myWebService") .expectedMessageCount(1) .expectedBodyReceived() .simple("<soapResponse>Hello from Mirage
// Camel Route

// Mirage CXF Mock
        .simple("<soapResponse>Hello from Mirage</soapResponse>");

In this example, we have a Camel route that sends a request to a SOAP web service using the Apache CXF component. To mock this SOAP web service during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define the expected body of the message that should be received by the web service.

10. Creating Mirage Delayed Responses

Creating delayed responses is useful when testing Camel routes that handle scenarios with time delays.

Code Example: 9

// Camel Route

// Mirage HTTP Mock with Delayed Response
    .expectedBodiesReceived("Hello from Mirage")
        .body("Hello from Mirage");

In this example, we have a Camel route that sends a request to the HTTP endpoint “” To create a delayed response during testing, we use the MockEndpoint from Camel Mirage and define a delay of 5000 milliseconds before sending the response with a status code of 200 and a body of “Hello from Mirage.”

11. Unit Testing with Camel Mirage

Unit testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the correctness and reliability of your Camel routes. Camel Mirage provides various tools and utilities to facilitate unit testing of your Camel applications.

Code Example: 10 (Unit Test)

public class CamelMirageTest {

    private CamelContext context;

    public void testCamelMirage() throws Exception {
        // Perform unit tests using Camel Mirage

In this example, we create a unit test for Camel Mirage functionality. We use the CamelSpringBootRunner to set up the Camel context and define test scenarios to validate the behavior of our Camel routes with mocked endpoints.


Congratulations on mastering the art of mocking and testing with Apache Camel Mirage! Throughout this enchanting journey, we explored ten captivating code examples that demonstrated how to create mirages of external dependencies and simulate real-world scenarios for comprehensive testing of your Camel applications.

Camel Mirage empowers you to create illusions of external systems, services, and protocols, enabling you to test your routes without relying on actual external dependencies. By isolating your tests, speeding up testing processes, and allowing thorough testing of edge cases, Camel Mirage becomes an invaluable tool in your testing toolkit.

As you continue your adventure with Apache Camel, remember the valuable insights and code examples shared in this post. Embrace the magic of Camel Mirage and make your Camel application a testing marvel.